Class Scene.Object
Represents a single object on a scene.
Inherited Members
Namespace: KD.SDK2
Assembly: KD.SDK2.dll
public class Scene.Object : IEquatable<Scene.Object>
Every single entity that exists in 2d, 3d, and/or estimate table is represented by an object. Examples are walls, dimensions, and articles from a catalog.
Name | Description |
Object(Scene, int) | Constructs an instance of the Object class. |
Name | Description |
ActualPositionX | Position of the object in scene measurement units. |
AngleXY | Rotation of the object in OXY plane (yaw), in degrees. |
AngleYZ | Rotation of the object in OYZ plane (pitch), in degrees. |
AngleZX | Rotation of the object in OZX plane (roll), in degrees. |
AppliCatCode | AppliCat code (if an AppliCat is associated to the object). |
AppliCatName | AppliCat name (if an AppliCat is associated to the object) |
AreDetailsVisible | Indicates whether details of the object are shown or not. |
Area | Net surface area of a plane object. |
BasePrice | Basic purchase price of the object coming from the catalog. |
BlockCode | Block code of the object that comes from the catalog. |
BottomSalesCoefficient | Bottom sale coefficient of the object. |
CatalogChangeErrors | Errors appeared during the last catalog change operation (see ChangeCatalog(string, string)) applied to the object. |
CatalogCode | Code of the catalog to which the object belongs. |
CatalogDimensionX | Width of the object such as it is defined in the catalog. |
CatalogDimensionY | Depth of the object such as it is defined in the catalog. |
CatalogDimensionZ | Height of the object such as it is defined in the catalog. |
CatalogFilename | Filename of the catalog to which the object belongs (without extension). |
CatalogLastSaveTime | Last save time of the catalog to which the object belongs. |
CatalogName | Name of the catalog to which the object belongs. |
Children | Provides access to the components held by the object. |
ChildrenOnAllLevels | Provides access to the components held by the object and all compoments held by the object's components and so on. |
Code | Code of the object. |
ComponentLevel | Position of the object in the component hierarchy. |
ComponentType | Type of the component. |
Components | Provides access to the components held by the object. |
ComponentsOnAllLevels | Provides access to the components held by the object and all compoments held by the object's components and so on. |
CustomInfo | Provides access to the object's custom data area dedicated wholely to the application extensions. |
CustomMark | Custom mark of the object - a short text being displayed near the object's number or reference (depending on scene settings), if the object IsMarked. |
CustomerComment | Comment for the end customer (appears in the estimate). |
DefaultSalesCoefficient | Default sale coefficient of the object. |
Description | Description of the object such as it appears in the estimates. |
Dimension | Returns dimension of the object as Scene.ImmutablePoint. This property is read-only. Use SetDimension(ImmutablePoint) to set dimension, or DimensionX,Y,Z to set individual components of dimension. |
DimensionX | Width of the object (in the object measurement units). |
DimensionY | Depth of the object (in the object measurement units). |
DimensionZ | Height of the object (in the object measurement units). |
DiscountType | Type of the discount applied to the object. |
DiscountValue | Discount value applied to the object. |
DistanceFromLeftWall | Distance between the left side of the object and the left wall corner in or against it is placed. |
DistanceFromRightWall | Distance between the right side of the object and the right wall corner in or against it is placed. |
EcoParticipationDeeePrice | Eco-participation DEEE price value. |
EcoParticipationMobMethod | Eco-participation Mobilier calculation method. |
EcoParticipationMobPrice | Eco-participation Mobilier price value. |
EcoParticipationPrice | Eco-participation price value. |
EcoParticipationProductCode | Eco-participation product code on 11 characters (only applicable in France). |
EcoParticipationWeight | Weight of the object coming from the catalog and used for the calculation of the Eco-participation tax (only applicable to France). |
EventsToIgnore | Suppresses the triggering of the the embedded plugin events associated with the object (use | sign to supply more than one event if necessary). |
ExternalFilePath | Full path to the file that object is associated with. |
FamilyCode | Code of the catalog family to which the object belongs. |
FamilyFinishCodes | Gets the list of family finish codes that are set for the object via the "Object|Finishes" dialog. |
FamilyFinishNames | Gets the list of family finish names that are set for the object via the "Object|Finishes" dialog. |
FamilyFinishTypes | Gets the list of family finish types that are set for the object via the "Object|Finishes" dialog. |
FamilyName | Name of the catalog family to which the object belongs. |
FinishesConfigString | The character string representing the finishes configuration of the object. |
FitterComment | Comment for the fitter (appears in the estimate). |
Generic | Generic to which the object belongs. Returns |
GrossSellingPrice | Gross selling price of the object, excluding VAT. |
Group | Returns a group this object belongs to, or |
Handing | Handing (or hinges position) of the object. |
HasExtensionLines | Controls whether the dimension is drawn with extension lines. |
HasHAuto | Indicates whether the object has HAUTO attribute (which means that its height will be adjusted automatically after it's dropped thanks to the magnetic points alignment mechanism). |
HasHost | Indicates whether the object has host object (which means that the object is hosted). |
HasLAuto | Indicates whether the object has LAUTO attribute (which means that its width will be adjusted automatically after it's dropped thanks to the magnetic points alignment mechanism). |
HasPAuto | Indicates whether the object has PAUTO attribute (which means that its depth will be adjusted automatically after it's dropped thanks to the magnetic points alignment mechanism). |
HasParent | Indicates wheter the object has parent or it is on the highest level. |
HasValidId | Checks wheter |
Heading | Heading to which the object belongs. |
Host | The host of the object ( |
HostedObjects | Provides access to the components hosted by the object. |
HostedObjectsOnAllLevels | Provides access to the objects hosted by the object, and to the objects hosted by the objects hosted by the object, and so on. |
Id | Constant and unique numerical identifier of the object. |
IsActive | Indicates whether the object is active. |
IsAngularDimensionObject | Indicates whether the object is an angular dimension. |
IsArrowObject | Indicates whether the object is an arrow (standalone annotation object that is visible only on elevation or floor views). |
IsBmpObject | Indicates whether the object represents an imported picture. |
IsCarcasePanelComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds a carcase panel to cutting lists. |
IsCornerReversed | Indicates whether the object's representation is rotated internally by InSitu by additional 90 degrees. This is done for some special type of kitchen units placed in wall corners. |
IsDimXVariable | Indicates whether the object width can be changed by the user. |
IsDimYVariable | Indicates whether the object depth can be changed by the user. |
IsDimZVariable | Indicates whether the object height can be changed by the user. |
IsDiscountAbsolute | Indicated whether the discount replaces the original price or just shifts it. |
IsDoorObject | Indicates whether the object is a door. |
IsDxf2dObject | Indicates whether the object represents a 2D entity imported from a DXF file. |
IsDxf3dObject | Indicates whether the object represents a 3D entity imported from a DXF file. |
IsEcopartElectroObject | Indicates whether the object represents an Eco-Participation Electromenager (DEEE) cost. |
IsEcopartMobilierObject | Indicates whether the object represents an Eco-Participation Mobilier cost. |
IsElevationSymbolObject | Indicates whether the object is an elevation symbol. |
IsEmfObject | Indicates whether the object represents a 2D entity imported from an EMF file. |
IsEnvelopeObject | Indicates whether the object is an envelope (a header of a catalogue block set). |
IsFrontPanelComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds a front panel to cutting lists. |
IsGraphic | Indicates whether the object has 2D and/or 3D entity. |
IsGroupObject | Indicates whether the object is a header of a set of grouped objects. |
IsHidden | Indicates whether the object is hidden. |
IsHostedResizeFailed | Auto-resize failure flag (for hosted objects only). |
IsInPool | Indicates whether the object is in pool. |
IsIntermediateComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds an intermediate part to the Bill Of Materials. |
IsLaborComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds a labor (manpower) entry to the Bill Of Materials. |
IsLightSourceObject | Indicates whether the object is a light source. |
IsLinearDimensionObject | Indicates whether the object is a linear dimension. |
IsLinearObject | Indicates whether the object is a linear object (an object places along a shape such as cornice, plinth, etc.). |
IsLinkedToParentInEstimate | Indicates whether the object appears right after his parent object in the estimate table (or after another linked object of the same parent). |
IsLiquidProductComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds a liquid product entry to the Bill Of Materials. |
IsManufacturablePart | Indicates whether the object is a manufacturable part - thus it is ready to be processed by the Manufacturing feature of InSitu. |
IsMarked | Indicates whether the object is marked - thus, is has its own Number, appearing in estimate, and also a textbox above it on top and elevation views, containing its number or reference (depending on scene settings), and also a CustomMark - if any. |
IsNotAComponent | Indicates whether the object is not a component (which means the object is on the highest level in component hierarchy). |
IsOpen | Indicates whether the object is shown in its open state. |
IsOpenObject | Indicates whether the object is an open object (which means it doesn't belong to any catalog and was placed into the scene thanks to "Place|Open article..." menu item). |
IsOptionComponent | Indicates whether the object is a "normal" component, i.e. an option or accessory of the parent object or its member block that is associated with the object for placing convenience reasons. |
IsPartComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds a part to the Bill Of Materials. |
IsPlaced | Indicates whether the object is placed in a scene (if it is compoment, returns true otherwise). |
IsPlacedAndValid | Indicates whether the object is placed in a scene and valid (if it is component, returns true otherwise). |
IsPlanObject | Indicates whether the object is an object placed inside a shape drawn freely by the user. |
IsPlanarArticleObject | Indicates whether the object is an object placed inside a shape that is predefined in a catalog but can be "cut" by the user. |
IsPlanningAreaObject | Indicates whether an object is a planning area (also known as a zone). |
IsPlinthHeightDependant | Indicates whether the object altitude depends on the special finish type adjusting plinth height (usually named "Worktop height"). |
IsProfileComponent | Indicates whether the object is a component that adds a profile or linear part to the Bill Of Materials. |
IsQuantityRequested | Indicates whether a dialog box is displayed when the object is placed to ask for its quantity (number of items, working hours, etc.). |
IsQuoted | Indicates whether the object is included into the estimates. |
IsRadiusDimensionObject | Indicates whether the object is a radius dimension. |
IsRecessObject | Indicates whether the object is a niche or a recess in a wall. |
IsSelected | Indicates whether the object is selected. |
IsStandardObject | Indicates whether the object is a standard object that comes from a catalog. |
IsStillInCatalog | Indicates that the catalog to which the object belongs is (still) present in the system and the object's reference (still) exists in the catalog. |
IsSubsetComponent | Indicates whether the object is a componen that adds a subset to the cutting lists (see the Mobiscript 2 documentation for details). |
IsSupplierSpecialTermAppliedToClient | Indicates whether the special supplier conditions are applied to the end customer. |
IsTechnicalSymbolObject | Indicates whether the object is a technical symbol. |
IsTextObject | Indicates whether the object is a standalone text. |
IsTileObject | Indicates whether the object is a floor tile or a wall tile. |
IsToBeInvoiced | Indicates whether the object is set to be invoiced. |
IsToBeOrdered | Indicates whether the object is to be ordered. |
IsValid | Indicates whether the object is valid. |
IsWallObject | Indicates whether the object is a wall. |
IsWindowObject | Indicates whether the object is a window. |
IsWmfObject | Indicates whether the object represents an imported WMF file. |
IsZone | Indicates whether the object is a zone - a special container to separate a room space into several dedicated areas, e.g. one for kitchen and one for wardrobe. |
KeyReference | Key reference of the object which is the same as the corresponding article key reference in the catalog of origin. |
KeywordInfo | Provides access to the object data through the special variables that are used for the document generation. |
Layer | Layer where the object is located (as a number from 0 to 31). |
LeftCutAngle | Left cut out angle for a plane object. |
LeftCutLength | Left front cut out length for a plane object. |
Length | Length (sum of segments) of a linear object placed along one or several shapes. |
LevelOfDimension | Returns dimension level for the dimension object. |
LocalToWorldMatrix | Returns transform matrix converting the object's local coordinates to scene's coordinates. |
MarkColor | Specifies background color of the object's mark - a short text being displayed above the object on top view and elevation views. |
MarkOnElevationViewOffsetX | Specifies X offset of the object's mark on an elevation view from its default position. |
MarkOnElevationViewOffsetY | Specifies Y offset of the object's mark on an elevation view from its default position. |
MarkOnTopViewOffsetX | Specifies X offset of the object's mark on top view from its default position. |
MarkOnTopViewOffsetY | Specifies Y offset of the object's mark on top view from its default position. |
ModelCode | Front model code which is applied to the object if the object is model dependant. |
ModelFinishCodes | Gets the list of model finish codes that are set for the object via the "Object|Finishes" dialog. |
ModelFinishNames | Gets the list of model finish names that are set for the object via the "Object|Finishes" dialog. |
ModelFinishTypes | Gets the list of model finish types that are set for the object via the "Object|Finishes" dialog. |
ModelName | Front model name which is applied to the object if the object is model dependant. |
ModelPriceColumn | Front model price column which is applied to the object if the object is model dependant. Returns -1 if price column is not set for the model applied to the object. |
Name | Name of the object. |
NonGenericModelText | Text describing the finishes of the that differ from the finishes of the object's Generic. |
Number | Number of the object as it may appear in the pricing table or in the top or elevation views. Returns an empty string if number is not set for the object. |
Occurences | Number of occurences of the object in the scene. |
OnOrUnder | Altitude reference of the object. It defines how the object treats its Z position: as position of its bottom or its top. |
OrderDimensionX | Width of the object as it will appear in the supplier order (in the object catalog measurement units). |
OrderDimensionY | Depth of the object as it will appear in the supplier order (in the object catalog measurement units). |
OrderDimensionZ | Height of the object as it will appear in the supplier order (in the object catalog measurement units). |
OriginalPosition | If the object is a component, returns a position calculated from the object's parent position and the object's position relative to the parent (defined in its parent's block script). If the object is not a component, returns the same as Position. |
OriginalScript | Script of the object, as it was originally set in the catalog that the object comes from. |
Parent | Parent object ( |
PlacementUrl | If the object was drag'n'dropped from a web catalog, this property contains the link that was used to place the object. |
PointValue | Point value of the object (the multiplier applied to the object's catalog price to get base purchase price of the object). |
Position | Returns position of the object as Scene.ImmutablePoint. This property is read-only. Use SetPosition(ImmutablePoint, bool) to set position, or PositionX,Y,Z to set individual components of position. |
PositionX | Position on the X axis (width of the screen) of the object in scene measurement units. |
PositionY | Position on the Y axis (height of the screen) of the object in scene measurement units. |
PositionZ | Position on the Z axis (altitude) of the object (of the bottom or of the top of the object bounding box, depending on OnOrUnder property for the object), in scene measurement units. |
PositionZAbsolute | Position on the Z axis (altitude) of the object (of the bottom of the object bounding box to be exact), in scene measurement units. |
Price | Selling price in points of the object coming from catalog. |
PricePerQuantity | Price in points of the object coming from catalog, 0.0 instead for objects that are included in the cost of other object (see PriceNb= parameter in the Mobiscript documentation). |
PricingType | Pricing type of the object. |
Priority | Display priority in the nomenclature. Obsolete. |
PurchaseCoefficient | Purchase coefficient of the object. |
Quantity | Quantity of the object. |
Reference | Reference of the object. |
RightCutAngle | Right cut out angle for a plane object. |
RightCutLength | Right front cut out length for a plane object. |
Script | Script of the object. |
SectionCode | Code of the catalog section to which the object belongs. |
SectionName | Name of the catalog section to which the object belongs. |
SellerSpecialTermType | Type of the special seller condition value applied to the object. |
SellerSpecialTermValue | Special seller condition value applied to the object. |
Shape | Character string which lists the points belonging to the shape corresponding to the object. |
SnappedObjects | Returns the list of objects snapped to the current object. This is a shortcat to GetSnappedObjects(SnapType, SnapDirection, bool, int) with Any, Any, and no texture filtering. |
StoreSpecialTermType | Type of the special store condition value applied to the object. |
StoreSpecialTermValue | Special store condition value applied to the object. |
SubType | Subtype of the object. |
Supplier | Supplier of the object. Returns |
SupplierComment | Comment for the supplier (appears in the estimate). |
SupplierSpecialTermType | Type of the special supplier condition value applied to the object. |
SupplierSpecialTermValue | Special supplier condition value applied to the object. |
Textures | Gets the list of textures that are set for the object via the "Object|Attributes" dialog. |
Topic | Topic of the object (coming from the catalog: kitchen, bathroom, etc). |
Type | Type of the object. |
Unit | Measurement unit of the object (in fact that is the measurement unit of the catalog from which the object comes, that can be different from the scene measurement unit). |
UserReference | User reference of the object. |
VarString | The character string listing all the production variables of the object. |
VarStringItems | Provides access to individual production variables of the object. |
WallDimensionZ2 | Height 2 of the object in the scene measurement units (for walls only, in scene measurement units). |
WallLinkedLeft | The neighboring wall on the left (for walls only; |
WallLinkedRight | The neighboring wall on the right (for walls only; |
WorldToLocalMatrix | Returns transform matrix converting coordinates from the scene space to the object's local coordinate space. |
XmlString | The character string listing all additional key/value pairs provided for
the object either via the |
XmlStringItems | Provides access to individual key/value pairs provided for the object
either via the |
Zone | Returns a scene zone to which the object belongs to, or
ZoneMembers | If the object is a Zone, returns objects belonging to this zone. Otherwise, returns an empty list. |
ZoneMembersWithPriceOnly | If the object is a Zone, returns objects belonging to this zone and having a price. Otherwise, returns an empty list. |
Name | Description |
ConvertLocalToWorld(ImmutablePoint) | Converts a point given in the object's local coordinates to the scene coordinates. |
ConvertLocalToWorld(Point) | Converts a point given in the object's local coordinates to the scene coordinates. |
ConvertLocalToWorld(double, double, double) | Converts a point given in the object's local coordinates to the scene coordinates. |
ConvertWorldToLocal(ImmutablePoint) | Converts a point given in world (scene) coordinates to the object's local coordinates. |
ConvertWorldToLocal(Point) | Converts a point given in world (scene) coordinates to the object's local coordinates. |
ConvertWorldToLocal(double, double, double) | Converts a point given in world (scene) coordinates to the object's local coordinates. |
Delete() | Deletes the object from the scene. |
Equals(Object) | Indicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type. |
Equals(object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. |
ExecutePositioningBasedOnMagneticPointsInElevationView() | Executes the same positioning mechanism which takes place when an object is dropped in elevation view. This positioning takes into account magnetic points provided insige the object's 3d primitive. |
ExportImage(bool, ViewMode, string, int, int, string, bool, int, int) | Exports an image corresponding to the object. |
GetDistanceFromObject(bool, Object, bool, ViewType) | Returns the distance in millimeters between current and anouther object of the scene in specified view type. |
GetFinishCodeForTypeNumber(int) | Gets the finish code of the object for the given finish type number. |
GetFinishesConfig() | Gets the finishes configuration of the object. Modifying the returned Scene.Object.FinishesConfig instance does not affect the object. See Scene.Object.FinishesConfig for more details. |
GetHashCode() | Provides a numeric value that is used to identify an object in hash-based algorithms. |
GetInfo(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetInfoAsBool(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetInfoAsDouble(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetInfoAsDoubleOrDefault(int, double) | |
GetInfoAsInt(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetLinearPlacementShape(int) | Returns the object's linear placement shape of specified rank. |
GetOverlappingObjects(bool) | Returns the list of objects whose 2D silhouette overlaps that of this object 2D silhouette. |
GetSnappedObjects(SnapType, SnapDirection, bool, int) | Lists the objects having a 'snapping relation' with this object. |
GetSubObjectsFiltered(string) | Lists the components and hosted objects of this object on any level of hierarchy matching the given criteria expression. |
HasBoundingBoxEqualTo(Object) | Checks whether the other object has the same bounding box as this one. |
HasBoundingBoxOverlapWith(Object) | Checks whether the object bounding box overlaps with the other object bounding box. |
IsAgainstWall(Object, int) | Returns |
IsPlacedHigherThan(Object, bool) | Checks whether the object is placed higher than the other object. |
IsPlacedOnTheLeftOf(Object, double) | |
IsPlacedOnTheLeftOf(Object, double, out double) | Checks where the object is places on the left of the given reference object. |
IsPlacedOnTheRightOf(Object, double) | |
IsPlacedOnTheRightOf(Object, double, out double) | Checks where the object is places on the right of the given reference object. |
Rebuild() | Rebuilds the 2D and 3D representations of the object. |
RestoreDescription() | Restores the description of the object from its original value in the catalog. |
RunWizard() | Runs the wizard that is associated with the object. |
Select(bool) | Selects the object. |
SetDimension(ImmutablePoint) | Sets dimension of the object from X, Y, and Z values of a given point. This method is obsolete. You can assign a value to the Dimension instead. |
SetInfo(int, bool) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetInfo(int, double) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetInfo(int, int) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetInfo(int, string) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetPosition(ImmutablePoint, bool) | Sets position of the object to a given point. |
ToString() | Returns a string that represents the current object. |
TrySetInfo(int, bool) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TrySetInfo(int, double) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TrySetInfo(int, int) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TrySetInfo(int, string) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
UpdateAutomaticArticle() | Causes the resynchronisation (change of the key reference) of the object on the suitable article of the corresponding block according to the object dimensions and finishes. |
UpdatePrices() | Recomputes the prices of the object. |
WallGetObjectsAgainst(double) | Returns the list of the objects having the same orientation as this wall and having distance from this wall not greater than maxDistance. |
Name | Description |
operator ==(Object, Object) | Determines whether two specified instances have the same value. |
operator !=(Object, Object) | Determines whether two specified instances have different values. |