Class Dico
Allows to read and write information into the DICO.LNG dictionary file which is used to translate the KitchenDraw user interface.
Inherited Members
Namespace: KD.SDK2
Assembly: KD.SDK2.dll
public class Dico
The functions of the Dico class manage the dictionary files used by multilingual applications like KitchenDraw.
Name | Description |
Entries | Provices access to all key language texts and translations stored in the dictionary. |
KeyLanguageCode | Key language code of the dictionary. Key language code is the one that is used to specify original (untranslated) texts. |
Name | Description |
AddEntry(string, string) | Inserts an entry into the dictionary containing a new text in the key language. The translations for the given key language text should be provided after the insertion (see the SetTranslation(string, string, string) method). |
Load(string) | Loads a dictionary into memory. |
New(string) | Creates a new dictionary with given key language (the one which is used to write the original texts). |
Save(string) | Saves the dictionary to a file. |
SetKeyLanguageCode(string) | Switches the dictionary to a new key language. |
SetTranslation(string, string, string) | Stored a translated text for a given key language text in the dictionary. |
TryTranslate(string, string, out string) | Translates a text given in the key language of the dictionary to another language. |