Class Catalog
Provides access to a catalog and its contents in the same way as it does the MobiScript window. Allows reading and writing data in KitchenDraw catalogs programmatically.
Inherited Members
Namespace: KD.SDK2
Assembly: KD.SDK2.dll
public class Catalog
Thanks to members of this class, it's possible to automatically generate or update whole or part of a catalog from the data present somewhere outside the program (e.g. in the company database). On the other hand, the class makes it possible to read information in the catalogs to present them in another way (e.g. automatically generate paper or online catalogs), or to use them in other applications like configurators.
The basic principles of working with catalogs are simple. First, create a new catalog with the New(string, UnitType, bool) method or load the existing one with the Load(string, string) method. Then, read or write data with other members of the class. Eventually preserve the mofications done, saving the catalog with the Save(string) method, if necessary.
The functions of the catalog class can also apply to the catalog currently open in the MobiScript window, either if that was explicitly specified with the UseMobiscriptCatalog() method, either if the instance of the class is accessed in the catalog-related plugin event.
Name | Description |
ActiveRow | Returns an active row of an active table of the catalog. |
ActiveTable | Returns the table that is currently selected in the "Entity" combobox of the MobiScript window. |
AfterSalesCode | After sales service code of the catalog. |
ApplicatControlsTable | ApplicatControls table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ApplicatDataTable | ApplicatData table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ApplicatDataTypesTable | ApplicatDataTypes table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ApplicatRulesTable | ApplicatRules table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ApplicatsTable | Applicats table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ArticlesTable | Articles table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
BaseCatalogFilename | Filename of the catalog's base catalog. |
BaseCatalogTime | Last write time of the catalog's base catalog (as it was at the moment when the base catalog contents was embedded inside the catalog). |
BlocksTable | Blocks table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Code | Code of the catalog (8 characters maximum, useful for statistics in particular). |
ComplementaryCatalogTable | ComplementaryCatalog table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ConstantsTable | Constants table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
CreationTime | Creation time of the catalog. |
Currency | Code of the currency in which purchase and selling prices are defined in the catalog. |
CustomInfo | Provides access to the catalogs's custom data area dedicated wholely to the application extensions. |
Dico | Provides access to the catalog's translations dictionary. |
Entities2dTable | Entities2d table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Entities3dTable | Entities3d table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
FamiliesTable | Families table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
FamilyFinishTypesTable | FamilyFinishTypes table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
FamilyFinishesTable | FamilyFinishes table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Filename | Filename of the catalog, without path and extension (8 characters maximum). |
FilenameWithPath | Filename of the catalog, with complete path and extension. |
HasPurchasePrices | Indicates whether the catalog contains purchase prices. |
HasSellingPrices | Indicates whether the catalog contains purchase prices. |
IsBaseCatalog | Indicates whether the catalog is a base catalog. |
IsComplementaryCatalog | Indicates whether the catalog is complementary. |
IsLoadedInMobiscriptWindow | Allows to know if the catalog is shown in the Mobiscript Window. |
IsModifiedInMobiscriptWindow | Allows to know if the catalog in the Mobiscript Window has unsaved changes. |
IsSellingPricesTableEditableWithoutPassword | Indicates whether the selling prices table of the catalog can be accessed (read and write) even without a password. |
IsValidFromDateEnabled | Indicates whether the catalog validity start date check is enabled. |
IsValidTillDateEnabled | Indicates whether the catalog validity end date check is enabled. |
IsVatIncluded | Indicates whether prices in the catalog include VAT. |
LanguageCode | Language code of the catalog (also known as working language). |
LastSaveTime | Time of the last save of the catalog. |
ModelFinishTypesTable | ModelFinishTypes table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ModelFinishesTable | ModelFinishes table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ModelHandlesTable | ModelHandles table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ModelsTable | Models table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Name | Name of the catalogue displayed in the KitchenDraw planning window (max 30 characters). |
Password | Password protecting the access to the catalog. |
PriceConfiguration | Price configuration used in the catalog (e.g. selling prices only, or purchase and selling prices, or purchase prices only). |
PricesTable | Prices table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Primitives2dTable | Primitives2d table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Primitives3dTable | Primitives3d table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
PurchasePricesTable | PurchasePrices table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ReferencesTable | References table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
ResourcesTable | Resources table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
SectionsTable | /// Sections table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
SelectedRows | Returns a collection os currently selected rows of an active table of the catalog. |
SubType | Subtype of the catalog. |
SubTypeRank | Subtype rank of the catalog. |
Tables | Tables of the catalog. |
TexturesTable | Textures table of the catalog. This is a shortcut to
Type | Type of the catalog. |
TypeRank | Type rank of the catalog. |
Unit | Measuring unit of the catalog. |
ValidFromDate | Catalog validity start date. |
ValidTillDate | Catalog validity end date. |
VatRate | VAT rate included in the catalog prices, if any is included, 0.0 otherwise. |
WebCatalogUrl | An internet address dedicated to represent the catalog's items as a special kind of html page. |
WebFinishesUrl | An internet address dedicated to represent the catalog's finishes as a special kind of html page. |
Xml | XML data used to extend the catalog format. |
Name | Description |
ChangePassword(string, string) | Sets new password for the catalog. |
ExportArticleImage(int, bool, ViewMode, string, int, int, bool, string, int, int) | Exports thumbnail corresponding to a given article as an image file. |
ExportFamilyFinishImage(int, int, int, int, int, string, int, int, int, int) | Exports a sample of a particular family finish texture to an image. |
ExportModelFinishImage(int, int, int, int, int, string, int, int, int, int) | Exports a sample of a particular model finish texture to an image. |
ExportModelImage(string, string, int, int, int, int) | Exports an image representing a model and its finishes defined by a given finishes config string. |
ExportPrices(string, bool) | Generates a file containing the prices of the articles of the current catalog. |
ExportResource(int, string) | Exports a resource by row rank in the Resource table into a file. |
ExportResourceFromName(string, bool) | Exports a resource which has a given filename. |
GetInfo(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetInfoAsBool(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetInfoAsDouble(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
GetInfoAsInt(int) | Gets a value from arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
Import3d(string, string, int) | Adds one ore more 3D entities to the catalog from a 3D file. The accepted 3D formars are .3DS, .SKP and .ALK. |
ImportPrices(string) | Updates the prices in the current catalog from a file which was initially generated by ExportPrices(string, bool). |
ImportResource(string, bool) | Imports a file into the current catalog as a resource. |
Load(string, string) | This function loads in memory the catalogue whose file name (including the full access path) is specified in the CatalogFileName parameter. |
LoadWithoutTableAccess(string, string) | Loads a catalog into memory but without converting it to the format that MobiScript can understand. This mode is faster but doesn't allow to use the functionality related to the catalog tables. |
New(string, UnitType, bool) | Creates a new catalog. |
Save(string) | Saves the current catalog in a file. |
SetInfo(int, bool) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetInfo(int, double) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetInfo(int, int) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
SetInfo(int, string) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TryGetFamilyFinishClusterFromFamilyAndType(int, string, out Cluster) | Retrieves a cluster of the "Family finishes" table of the catalog by given model and finish type. |
TryGetModelFinishClusterFromModelAndType(int, string, out Cluster) | Retrieves a cluster of the "Model finishes" table of the catalog by given model and finish type. |
TryGetModelHandleClusterFromModelAndType(int, string, out Cluster) | Retrieves a cluster of the "Model handles" table of the catalog by given model and finish type. |
TryLoad(string, string) | The same as Load(string, string), except of it returns false instead of throwing an exception if catalog load fails. |
TryLoadWithoutTableAccess(string, string) | The same as LoadWithoutTableAccess(string, string), except of it returns false instead of throwing an exception if catalog load fails. |
TrySetInfo(int, bool) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TrySetInfo(int, double) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TrySetInfo(int, int) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
TrySetInfo(int, string) | Writes the value to the arbitrary datafield specified by the infoType parameter. |
UnitConvertFrom(UnitType, double) | Converts a value measures in a given unit to the catalog measurement units. |
UnitConvertTo(double, UnitType) | Converts a value measured in the catalog units to another unit. |
UseLoadedCatalog() | Sets the internal state of the SDK so that all the further called members of the class are applied to the catalog loaded into memory by Load(string, string) or New(string, UnitType, bool) methods (as opposed to calling UseMobiscriptCatalog(), which applies the later member calls to a catalog open interactively in MobiScript window). |
UseMobiscriptCatalog() | Sets the internal state of the SDK so that all the further called members of the class are applied to the catalog opened interactively in the MobiScript window (as opposed to calling UseLoadedCatalog(), which applies the later member calls to a catalog loaded into memory by Load(string, string) or New(string, UnitType, bool) methods ). |